
Please contact us if you need information on any products not listed on this site. We carry much more than we are able to list here. We can also usually locate those hard-to-find things you may need.

Laser Printer Toner

All printer toners are not created equal. We aim to carry only the most reliable printer products we can find. So whether your printers are at home, in an office, in a warehouse, in a hospital, or anywhere else, we can help keep your printers running smoothly.

Custom-Built Computers

Let us build your next computer. Our systems contain industry-standard components and are built to meet the needs of each individual customer. In addition to our warranty on each computer that we build, the individual components often have their own warranty from the manufacturer that may extend for an even greater length of time. Also, since our system are built from standard components, they are almost always easier to repair and upgrade than systems you find in most stores from the larger national brands.

We can build basic home/office systems, gaming machines, servers, and everything inbetween. Let us know what your needs are, and we can quote you specifications and prices. We also have a brochure available for our standard system. This is a system which is appropriate for many home and office users. The brochure lists pricing for various common upgrades as well.

Hardware and Software

We carry all the parts needed for building and upgrading computers. We also carry accessories and useful software. Anything that we don't have here in the store, we can usually locate for you.